
5 Minutes with Premier Stylist Ryan

How did you get into your Hairdressing Career?

I just knew instinctively that hairdressing was going to be my passion, I knew that it would allow me to be creative and that I’d be able to make people feel and look empowered, so after I left education I applied for a position in a local salon and I’ve been hairdressing ever since.


What’s the best advice you would give to your clients?

I love having the opportunity to make people feel better about themselves and I have a real passion for achieving it. I take great pleasure in the fact that my clients leave the salon looking and feeling handsome. I enjoy building and maintaining really strong and happy relationships with them, and I love that I’m able to be creative everyday.

What’s the best advice you would give to your clients?

Great hair doesn’t happen by chance….

It happens by appointments.

How would you describe your hairdressing style?

I don’t believe you should have a certain style, I think to become and be an-amazing hairdresser you should be able to cater for every one that is different so what I like to do is tailor suit the person hair who’s sat in front of me at the time. I think it’s important to be flexible and also to evolve over time.

What is your favourite meal?

I really enjoy most foods and I’m quite adventurous, but my favourite meal would have to be a traditional classic, I love ‘Toad In The Hole.’

Who are your icons?

Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn because of their iconic style.

Marilyn Monroe for her glamor and decadence. Audrey Hepburn for her elegance and timelessness.

I really appreciate and admire exceptional style.

Sofa or Gym?

After a relaxing morning and a nice long bath, I’d go and meet some friends for a nice lunch and a few cocktails. Then I’d probably go home and watch a good film, hopefully with some nice company. I really like my own time to be as relaxed as possible so that I can re-charge and refresh myself.